Ja Zi publicly admitted that Beyonce has changed


When Beyonce released the album Lemonade, many of her fans noticed that a large amount of attention was paid to the topic of betrayal. Rumors crawled that Jaya changes his spouse and they are on the verge of a divorce. In a recent interview with The New York Times, 47-year-old rapper finally admitted to the treasure of his wife.

"When you live in a dysfunctional area, then you have to survive and drown out emotions. Even with women to communicate becomes more difficult, and in my case the wrongness got out. Many just go at this moment. There are so many divorces in the world, because people do not look at themselves. "

The musician added that, despite such a difficult time, they tried to survive him with Beyonce with all their might: "When a hurricane comes, then the most safer - in his center. There we were. It was very difficult, we had a lot of conversations, and the hardest thing is to see the face of a loved one you causing pain. " It seems that now in the life of a star couple again everything was improved, quite recently they became parents of twins, and mutual respect and love returned to their life.

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