Transgender Elliota Page compared with a schoolboy due to ridiculous haircuts


Recently, Elliot Page became the hero of the Time magazine. The actor who has recently called himself Ellen Page, became the first transgender who appeared on the cover of the publication. He also gave an interview in which he told about his caumbing-out, as well as about external and internal changes. However, some readers surprised not the frankness of Elliota, but his new image.

In photographs Time Elliot appeared with a short haircut. Users compared the 34-year-old actor with a schoolboy - so, according to some, it looks like in a new image.

"I am very glad that Elliot Page accepted himself a real, but why did he make a haircut that I had in the 10th grade?", "I'll say right away: I'll be a fan of Elliot and always be it, but he has a straight emo-haircut of Peter. Parker, "He looks like Christian Bale from" Machinist "," Elliot dear, but some tired, "users write in discussions.

In an interview with Time Page told that he finally accepted himself during quarantine. "I had a lot of free time to focus on things, which, as I think, I unconsciously avoided. I was finally able to accept the fact that I am a transgender man, "the actor said. He also admitted that Mastectomy suffered - an operation to remove the fabrics of the breast, which "saved it and changed his life."

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