6 zodiac signs who do not need a serious relationship


Getting into a series of unsuccessful connections, some signs of the zodiac refuse to serious relationships. I + you = waiting and disappointment. Such mathematics does not look too good, right? Well, welcome to life without love. So, who of the zodiac representatives do not remain in a relationship for a long time?

Sagittarius: Independence First of all!

In the tying dating, the Sagittarius is easy to rise and gladly begin a new novel, but further their obligations and responsibilities. That is why these people tend to meet with those that they are most likely not tied in the future. Very often, the Archers are blinded by the beauty of the partner and do not notice the true qualities of a person, and long-term relationships are rare. It is difficult to maintain a love relationship with the firing, as they love to be lonely and independent. It seems that they prefer society themselves.

Gemini: no routine and monotony!

Gemini - Dual Persons. They can be complex in relationships, because they are characterized by inconsistency and change of priorities. People of this sign fails to maintain interest in the same person. This applies to their work, hobbies and interests. In the monotony, the twins begin to feel depressed, irritable and bored.

Partners should stimulate them, and if this does not happen and everything turns into a routine, the twins prepare a plan for retreat and are looking for new connections. Stability will oppress them.

Taurus: I go to my own way! Do not interfere!

Everyone knows the stubbornness of Tales. Problems in relationships occur every time the opinion of partners does not coincide with their point of view. Representatives of this sign of the zodiac are not able to compromise and concessions, and they are the key to long and stable relationships. The calves will be resting to the end, not afraid of staying alone for a while. They do not scare them at all! After all, only alone with you can enjoy carelessness and all that brings them joy. The position "I go to my own way, and you do not bother me" makes relationships with very complex and short-term.

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Aquarius: I want to say, but I can not!

And Aquarius in long-term relationships manifest themselves in the best way. All because they are difficult to be sensitive to the emotions of other people, however, they require great attention to their feelings. Such behavior of people of this sign leads to the fact that their partners feel adult and unhappy, they have the impression that they use them. The abandonment of the "Games in the One Gate" - inevitable parting. And then the point is not that the Aquarius is still, but in the fact that they do not know how (although they would like) to express what they feel. Without giving emotional support to his beloved, Aquarius themselves voluntarily distance.

Scorpio: Understand and forgive? No one!

Scorpions are passionate and temperamental people. Tying the relationship, they want to get everything and immediately in a short time. Satisfied with the desired, scorpions cool quickly. In addition, the development of long-term relationships hinders the jealousy and the syntitude of the people of this zodiac sign. In their nature, they are tender and caring, but the sense of ownership destroys everything to the ground. Scorpions are hot-tempered and may unpredictably respond to occurring events.

Sometimes they "go underground", hiding their feelings. But sooner or later, the scorpions "break" the accumulated resentment, because they are not able to forgive them. All this leads to the collapse of a love connection.

Fish: Why straighten it?

In long-term relationships, emotional and too sensitive fish tend to play the victim's card. At some point, they begin to feel as if they fell into a trap. In the state of depression, the fish become extremely pessimistic and wondered why they should make efforts when the relationship will be completed anyway? Having lowered the hands and losing interest, they begin to look for those guilty and shifted responsibility on other people's shoulders. In such periods of fish are similar to offended children. Such behavior causes irritation from their partners and pushes into parting.

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