Mom Ryan Gosling still believes in Santa Claus


He told that he should not tell his mother that Santa Claus does not exist: "My mother still believes in Santa Claus. Somehow we wanted to break this faith, but we did not work, "says Ryan.

Donna Gosling, who accompanied his son at the Oscar ceremony, when he was first nominated in 2007, the rare gift: "There are very few truly believers in the world, my mother is one of them. I do not know why she still believes in it, but, you see, it is much better to believe in Santo than not. "

He also explained why after he was starred in the movie "Diary of Memory," he went to work by the Seller: "I would never have a normal work. This is a problem for many in Hollywood. They have food. They go to Pilates. But this is not enough. And they are sitting on drugs. If they had a bunch of stones in the backyard and they would spend every day to move them from one end of the courtyard to another, they would be more pleased with this place. "

At the same time, he tries to stay on earth, despite the fact that she lives that life that did not expect: "These are madness. I don't understand how I was here, I live this life, I wear this costume. I think I will pay for it someday .. and that's fine. For me it seems fair. I just want to be ready for it. I want to meet it as a gentleman. "

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