"From the dirt in the prince": 6 of the most slurry and unclean signs of the zodiac


Before you, six of the most outstanding dirtwork from the zodiac family. We hope you are not in this list. Ranking from the least to the most unclean personalities.


Love for cleanliness and order in twins depends on the situation. Personal hygiene of representatives of this sign of the zodiac is practically impeccable, since they are inherent in narcissism and narcissism. However, cleaning and maintaining cleanliness is clearly lame. The worst and dirty room in the twins house most often is the bathroom. This space is a terrible chaos and a dirty dust collector. Gemini, we are not trying to shake you, just warn you: friends and friends will most likely prefer the restroom in the nearest McDonalds, which will take advantage of your toilet.


Sagittarius may think that they are the smartest, funny, eloquent and beautiful people against the background of everyone else, but has passed for two weeks since they endured garbage. The mess in the house, the dawns and scattered things of the Archers just do not notice! At any critical comments on this topic are amazing indifference.

And all because the guidance of order is considered a boring and completely unnecessary occupation. Yes what is the difference in what setting to live?! The main thing is to have fun and interesting! Creative chaos - household elements for the lives of Saglots.


Aquarius has a clean and bright mind, but too dirty house. They are better than hiring the housekeeper than themselves will make cleaning. Yes, and behind your appearance is not the best way. Residential space of Aquarius is a bunch of incomprehensible trash that accumulated in each room. Conventional people scares such destruction scares, but creative and extraordinary aquaries, on the contrary, relaxes. They will never make order only because it is necessary to do. It can happen if the worldview suddenly change.


Fishes are so cute and kind people - this is why it hurts to admit that they are outstanding sludge. In the end, someday they will begin cleaning, but not earlier than invent a billion excuses why they could not do it before. The position of the people of this sign: why wash the floor or dishes if they still become dirty? Fish is creative and even unearthly nature, all this fuss with a rag and mop - the lot of ordinary mortals.

If they are taking care of cleaning, then only in order to distract from their thoughts. What will be the result of a household home upgrade - fishes no matter.


Lions are more passionate about their reflection in the mirror than the amount of dust on its surface. They are more worried about the presentability of appearance and cleanliness of clothing than the condition of the house in which they live. People of this sign are spontaneous and inconsistent, why around them and arises in the house a mess. In addition, wash and clean - not the royal business!

On the cleaning of the lions, it is decided if their house is planned to receive guests. Well, you will have to strain to support the Renome "the most and perfect person himself in everything."


In the case of weights in housekeeping, the bowl is clearly inclined towards negligence. Representatives of this sign of the zodiac even annoying sterile order and when everything lies in their places. Yes, their clothes and shoes - wherever nothing went, but the house is better not to come! By the way, the keys to the car you are trying to find are under the pile of dirty underwear in the corner. Right near the heap of socks. Next to empty boxes from under pizza, to the left of a plate with petrified cheese and pasta. Found?

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