Beyonce headed the rating of the most generous celebrities-philanthropists 2016


The first place in the celebrity-philanthropic rankings of Beyonce won thanks to the support of the social movement of the Black Lives Matter (at the performance of MTV Video Music Awards 2016, Beyonce invited to the scene of young people who died as a result of an armed conflict of policemen with dark-skinned Americans). Also, the singer sacrificed money to a variety of charitable funds and organized a series of concerts for collecting funds for charitable needs.

The "silver" rating was conquered by Lin-Manuel Miranda, the creator of the Musical "Hamilton", a musician and producer. Together with Jennifer Lopez, he organized the recording of a charitable single Love Makes The World Go Round to collect funds victim in a shootout in the LGBT club in Orlando. The third place got Taylor Swift, who donated a million dollars victims of flooding in Louisiana.

Completely top 10 stars who are most actively engaged in charity in 2016, looks like this:


Lin Manuel Miranda

Taylor Swift

Demi Lovato

Sheilly Woodley

John Sena

Miley Cyrus

Lady Gaga


Jessie Williams

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