Killian Murphy picks up a suit on fresh photos from the filming of the sixth season of "sharp visors"


In the official Twitter account of the series "Acute Visrats" showed new photos from the filming of the final season of the criminal saga about the family of charismatic gangster Thomas Shelby from Birmingham. On the published images captured by the leading role of Killian Murphy - the actor is in the dressing room and picks up a suit. As a photographer made a permanent director of the series Anthony Byrne.

Initially, it was planned to finish the TV project on the seventh season, but the plans changed due to a long-lasting coronavirus pandemic. Nevertheless, the creator of a multi-sieuled gangster drama Stephen Knight is going to fully complete the story not in the sixth season, but in the format of the full-length film. Moreover, he hopes that his superpopular television franchise will receive several branches of individual heroes in the future.

Together with Murphy in the caste show, Amber Anderson, Helen McCurry, Paul Anderson, Sophie Randle, Finn Cole, Brian Glison, Neal Maskell, Sam Clandline and Stephen Graham. The shooting process of the sixth season started on January 18, therefore, most likely, the premiere will take place somewhere at the end of this year or at the very beginning of 2022.

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