"I am pleased with the snow": Volochkova made a corporate twine in the ice font


Anastasia Volochkova published a fresh video in his microblog, which showed how dipped into the font. As the ex-primary theater admitted, this is how it starts every day.

On video ballerina appeared in the bright orange bikini. She stood next to a big wooden font, then climbed into her and plunged. And after - showed her brand sword. "So spring came ... and the ice in the font melted. I am pleased with the snow, "Roller Volochkova signed. At the same time on the video, she said the following: "Well, how cold, I look? I do not! With spring coming! ".

As usual, the ballerina disabled comments, because the fans could not fall asleep with its compliments or share their opinions.

Recall that Anastasia Volochkova has long been told the public and the media that is going to marry. However, so far has not shown his chosen one. Not so long ago it became known that her daughter Ariadne lives with his father for a long time, and Ballerina did not even know the daughter's addresses, since that was forbidden to talk about it. However, the ex-primary theater is confident that her heiress lives well and does not need anything. Yes, and Ariadne herself said not so long ago, "the stars came together" on NTV, which does not need anything, and pocket money that parents give her, she is enough.

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