Return of missing relatives? A new teaser of the final season "Walking the Dead"


The creators of the "walking dead" continue to intrigue viewers. The network posted a new teaser of the final season of the series, the first episode of which will appear in this summer.

Frames of noisy bakery, accompanied by a call to the cash register, are interrupted by flashes of boards with photos. With a more attentive consideration of some pictures, you can see plea for help, including the inscription, which says: "Find my sister." Comic fans will find out in this wall of lost (Wall of the Lost), located at the entrance to the Commonwealth. It is here that residents of the community post photos of missing friends and relatives in the hope that they will reunite. This place is of great importance for Mishon, because on the board, she in the original comic office discovered a photo of his long missing relative. But because Danaj Gurira left the project in the 10th season, this storyline is likely to get another character.

Return of missing relatives? A new teaser of the final season

Spectators could have already seen representatives of the Commonwealth army. The fighters were surrounded by Princess, Yujina, Ezekiel and Yumiko in the final of the 16th series. Soldiers in white armor will return to Splinter episode, the release of which will take place at this Sunday. Having enlisted by Ezekiel, the princess will try to escape from captivity at the railway station.

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