Mia Farrow complained that Woody Allen was configured against her adoptive children


In the TV series, Fairrow, which consisted of a director's relations in the 80s, told how they broke up with him in 1992, when their receptional daughter Dylan told her about sexual violence from Allen, and as I learned that Woody Spirling a novel with another receiving daughter, Sun and.

According to Mii, Woody configured against her a Sun and the adoptive son of Mosnes, who said that they had a "cruel mother."

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In the past episodes, Farrow admitted that herself tried to bring Allen and Sun and. "Woody took children shopping, bought them toys, drove to basketball matches. I suggested him that he would take Sun, too, because she was very shy, "Miy celebrated. During one of these joint walks Allen and realized that he perceives Sun and not as a daughter.

In the film Mia, an excerpt from the autobiography of the director is given: "While we chatted, I realized that I enjoy her society more than it was supposed. We turn a little ahead: the time when I work on the "husbands and wives." Sun and returns home from college, I watch the Seventh Seal of Bergman. When the film is over, we stayed alone in the room. And I kissed her. "

Mia Farrow complained that Woody Allen was configured against her adoptive children 63944_1

In the documentary TV series, Mia and its receptions are told about relations with the director and accuse him of the plant of juvenile. Allen himself called them the series "Topoon and false".

In the 90s, Farrow tried to punish Woody through the court, but the prosecutor did not initiate a matter. Although later, leaving, he stated that Allen was worth sending to prison.

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