Sex Scandal Ashton Kutcher


Despite the fact that the Kutcher categorically denies this novel, Jones admitted that she has sex videos with their participation. Last night, she met with Steve Hisch, the owner of a Vivid Entertainment film company, relieving films for adults. Journalists from Radaronline also went to the meeting to ask the estimated mistress of Ashton Kutcher about whether she would release this video and what would she say Demi Moore.

"At the moment I am not very interested. I don't want this video to go out, and I clearly identified my position, "Jones said. "But at the same time I think that at any time this solution can be changed."

When she was asked if she would not want to talk to the Kutcher, Jones replied: "I know what I was told. He told me that they have a free relationship. Why should I talk to someone who calls me a liar? I know what happened, and he knows what happened, so why should I want to talk to him? " Regarding what she told Demi Moore Britney Jones answered concisely: "I have nothing to say."

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