Gwyneth Paltrow explained why COVID-19 hid a few months


In a new interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Gwyneth Paltrow said that it was one of the thousands of Americans who became infected with COVID-19 in the first days of the virus. According to her, for several months she kept her illness secret, because, like many, could not pass testing.

"I got infected early when there were no accessible tests for Cake. We could not undergo testing for a long time, and by the time you could make tests on antibodies, there were much more serious, more important things in the world. And I did not feel the need to raise this topic, "the actress shared.

Paltrow said that, in her opinion, she became infected during a trip to Paris last year, and the symptoms of the disease manifested itself at the end of 2020. In January, Gwyneth passed a survey, and it turned out that in her body there is an inflammatory process. It forced Paltrow to look for alternative methods of treatment, such as intermittent fasting, reception of dietary supplements and vegetable diet.

After the publication of his treatment methods, Gwyneth was encountered with criticism from the National Health Service of Great Britain, who called Paltrow's methods "dubious".

Commenting on criticism, Gwyneth said: "We are not talking in GOOP that we are not mistaken. We were mistaken. And we very carefully give advice. But often the critic appears in a stranger PR and Klikbeit. "

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