The star of the "Theory of the Big Bang" admitted that he struggles with anorexia and overeating


In the new episode of his podcast Call Me Kat, Maim Bialik, known for the TV series "Theory of the Big Explosion," told about his disorder of food behavior. The 45-year-old actress admitted that he suffers from compulsive overeating and the subsequent tough restriction of himself in food.

The star of the

"I never told it before. But people ask: "Why are you overweight?" So, because I have a compulsive overeating and in addition anorexia. When no one sees, I eat a lot. I eat to turn off the feelings, "said Maim.

The star of the

The actress says he experiences the pressure of society about the appearance and imposition of standards, and this year put a goal to get rid of it. "I'm trying to get rid of the idea that I should be 7 kilograms Hoodew that, I quote," is the Hollywood standard. " I'm trying to get away from what I tell about the clothes, in which I look like something "not so." These are my short-term goals for 2021. When I will finally be able to wear all black and not listen to the remarks from the stylist: "No, you need to add colors." What about the fact that I put on black, because I like it most about it? In addition, many cool black things are produced, "Bialik shared.

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