Insider commented on the strange situation with Hilaria Baldwin and her children


This month, Hilaria and Alec Baldwin surprised fans, told about the appearance of the sixth child in their family. Six months after the birth of the son of Eduardo, the daughter of Lucia appeared with the help of surrogate maternity. On the Internet there were discussions: why did the couple addressed the surrogate motherhood, and why did they do it when Hilaria was pregnant with her son?

The source close to the pair commented on the situation of the Journal of People: "The right of a woman choose how and when to expand his family, no one should concern."

Now Hilaria is engaged in two babies at once. In the recent publication in Instagram, the actor's spouse compared himself with a cow and noted that it was not enough for breastfeeding in a breast - "it's not a joke." "I absorb all fluids that fall into my hands," Baldwin shared.

In addition to Lucia and Eduardo Hilaria and Alec, they raise 7-year-old Carmen, 5-year-old Rafael, 4-year-old Leonardo and 2-year-old Romeo.

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Earlier, Hilaria explained why they and Alek decided to start the second daughter: "Our children really wanted her sister. She had to be born in 2019, but then in the fourth month I had a miscarriage. I told the children that their sister would come, just then it was not time. And so these two wonderful souls came to us - Edu and Lucia. "

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