Daria Relawnova told why weddings with a millionaire 7.5 years


The actress of theater and cinema Daria Deliannov said, why did not marry his beloved - entrepreneur, the President of Skolkovo Management School Andrei Sharonov - seven and a half years old. The celebrity shared the details of his personal life on the broadcast of the "Fate of Man".

So, there were future spouses thanks to friends who told the attorney that their familiar wants to get acquainted with her. The artist, according to her, decided to see what can be found about it on the Internet, and immediately realized that this was fate.

"When I saw a photo of Andrei, I immediately thought that this is the person I needed. Here I am not lying, not for the red sense, "says Rotaryna.

However, celebrities were no hurry to marry. Daria is confident that the case in their previous relationships: Sharonov - Widower, his first spouse died from a heart attack, and Valennova was married to the director Alexander Gigalkin, was in relations with colleagues - Valery Nikolaev and Anatoly Rudenko.

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"This is a story, when two adults are found, and both have their own Barkound, their relationship. Probably then takes more time to meditation, the confidence is that it is necessary to go to this serious step than in youth, "said Celebrity.

As a result, lovers got married almost eight years of living together. The actress published on his page in Instagram record, where she told the ceremony on February 14th this year.

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