3 of the most false signs of the zodiac


However, there are among us those who easily lie all the time. Their skill deception is worthy of the Oscar premium!

The most common motivation for lies is to avoid punishment. We are constantly trying to present themselves in the best way and for this we instill. No one demands from us to be truthful because there are certain things in which it is better not to recognize at all. But some people lie more often than others and, being caught on a lie, virtuoso twisted from the awkward situation. These three signs of the zodiac say the most believable lie in the world!


Gemini lie skillfully and thin. Thanks to its dual person, they easily switch in a conversation from one topic to another. Twins are outstanding manipulators and can confuse you in their web deception in their web. Their horoscopic sign is associated with the image of Mercury, ingenious and quirky God - the patron of trade and business transactions. In such a business, to remain 100% honest is very difficult.

To achieve its goals, the twins fall into one bunch, give non-executed promises and shamelessly flattering.

All this gives them the opportunity to be the best managers and intermediaries. But in the end, their cumbersome lies scatter, like a deck of cards.

3 of the most false signs of the zodiac 64109_1


Scales are able to charm the interlocutor from the very first minutes of the meeting. They have their own eloquence and acting. The way the scales can come up with a story from the air - this gift is not given anyone from the zodiac family. Part of their charm lies in ingenuity and creative approach to any case for which they are taken. To speak the pure truth is an unusual nature of these people, because their sign of the zodiac is associated with the establishment of relations, diplomacy and contacts. It is better to make a compromise for them and smooth out any sharp angle than to say what is really. Scales avoid sharpness and straightness, because it can badly affect their relationship with people. It's better to lie!


Fishes are very slys and dodes when it comes to deception. Externally, they look vulnerable, but do not be deceived by their innocence. Fish lgut in order to look in the eyes of people with unhappy victims and thereby call me sympathy. If they are shifted in deception, then take care of a squall of counter charges. Fish knows a sense in lies and with her get all that they want.

Astrologers say that the people of this sign are lying unconsciously and not specifically, because they are too creative and emotionally vanishing nature.

What kind of fish validity see can not be completely coincident in what most people think about it. Fish - fantasies, and their "truth" seems to be all not too understandable and unreal. But they believe in holy and try to promote them.

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