From the "Games of the Thrones" to "Riverdale": what serials are worth watching different signs of the zodiac


They can tell us, with whom to tie a dizzying novel, what profession to choose and with what people build a trusting relationship. Find out what TV shows will be interesting to you according to your zodiac sign.


Aries from those who do not doubt their desires. They set themselves clear and extremely specific goals. Representatives of this sign of the zodiac not from a timid ten and strive to be leaders in everything. That is why the Aries are curious to observe the lives of other people and learn from other people's mistakes.

Among your favorite plots: overcoming yourself and search for exiting the most difficult and insoluble situations. Aries like the series in which the heroes are difficult to choose.

Stars Recommend: "Anatomy of Passion" (USA, 16 Seasons), "Black Mirror" (United Kingdom, 5 Seasons), "How I Met Your Mother" (USA, 9 Seasons), Dounton Abbey (United Kingdom, 52 Series), "Dynasty" (US, 64 series), "Empire" (US, 6 seasons).


Taurus feel safe when order and constancy reign around them. If something goes wrong or falls unexpectedly on the head, the representatives of this sign of the zodiac are lost and the ruts are out for a long time. For these people who prefer the measured course of life and tranquility in matters, "long-playing" serials with many seasons are suitable. An important condition for them: the plot should be intriguing, and the picture is aesthetically beautiful.

Stars recommend: "Once in a fairy tale" (USA, 156 episodes), "Big Explosion Theory" (USA, 279 series), "Legion" (USA, 3 seasons), "Riverdale" (USA, 5 seasons), "Very weird Cases "(USA, 25 episodes)," Grimm "(USA, 6 seasons)," Doctor Who "(United Kingdom, 861 series).


Gemini differ from all vigorous and activity. They avoid boredom and try to make their lives bright and memorable. Therefore, for viewing, representatives of this zodiac family show the series with an unpredictable and intricate history, complete unexpected turns.

Thrillers, exciting fantasy, detectives and dramas, in which the storylines of the heroes are intertwined, - what will definitely enjoy the twins.

Stars Recommend: "Game of Thrones" (USA, 8 seasons), "This Detective" (USA, 24 Series), "Acute Items" (USA, 8 Series), "Russian Matryoshka" (USA, 8 episodes), "American gods "(USA, 16 episodes), Twin Pix (USA, 48 episodes)," Big Little Lie "(USA, 2 Seasons)," Maniac "(USA, Season 1).

From the


Despite the fact that cancers are too sensitive and emotional, they cannot be called panties. They are fearless and ready for everything to protect themselves and their loved ones. The family is the main value of cancers, and for the sake of her they live in superhero principles. Cancer will suit the serials with cool and brave superheroes, which courageously spread with dark forces and reveal the most insidious world conspiracies.

Stars recommend: "Ambrell Academy" (USA, 10 episodes), "Gotham" (USA, 5 seasons), "sharp visors" (United Kingdom, 30 episodes), "Vampire Diaries" (USA, 8 seasons), "Jessica Jones" (USA, 39 episodes), "Sorvigolov" (USA, 39 episodes).

a lion

Lions love to shine in society and attract attention to others. They are fond of creativity and show creativity. Lviv has a lot of hobbies: they draw, and sing, dance and every day draw inspiration. The series, the plot of which can motivate and learn something new, will definitely like the lions. Great, if the heroes will have an excellent sense of humor.

Stars Recommend: "Girls" (USA, 6 seasons), "Amazing Mrs. Meisel" (USA, 26 episodes), "Ann" (Canada, 3 Seasons), "Poland" (United Kingdom, 2 Seasons), "Luzera" ( USA, 6 seasons), "inflexible Kimmi Schmidt" (USA, 4 seasons), "Gossip" (USA, 121 series), "Friends" (USA, 10 seasons), "Beverly Hills 90210: New Generation" (USA, 5 seasons).


Virgin is forever busy, and it seems that they know absolutely everything! They want to seem strong and confident people. But the one who is familiar with the Virgin will noted that this is a very sensitive and modest person. Representatives of this sign of the zodiac love serials in which many ridiculous and funny situations. Black humor is welcome!

Stars Recommend: "Clinic" (USA, 9 seasons), "Big Explosion Theory" (USA, 279 Series), "Wonderworkers" (USA, 17 episodes), "American Family" (USA, 250 episodes), "I - Zombie "(US, 5 seasons)," Preacher "(USA, 43 series).


Scales avoid the routine and know how to distract from her. They hate boredom and come up with their own classes every day. These are well-brought up and erudite people who love the romantic atmosphere and exquisite vacation.

Beautiful and touching stories with Happy Endom - the choice of representatives of this star sign. Sometimes they can also climb.

Stars recommend: "Buddes Kisses" (United Kingdom-USA), "Darking Sabrina's Adventures" (USA, 4 Seasons), Twilight Hunters (USA, 55 episodes), "Last Man on Earth" (USA, 67 episodes), "Riverdale" (USA, 5 seasons), "Kingdom" (US, 78 episodes), "Vampire Diaries" (USA, 8 seasons).


Scorpions are characterized by rationality and enterprise in their actions. They are incredibly passionate and impulsive people. However, often seem to be secretive, detached and even indifferent. To understand what they have on the mind is difficult.

Scorpions are held at a distance and little talk about their desires and experiences. They are suitable serials with a mysterious plot and heroes, the misty past of which can be very surprised.

Stars Recommend: "Scandal" (USA, 7 seasons), "in all grave" (USA, 62 series), "cute liars" (USA, 7 seasons), "Thirteen reasons why" (USA, 3 seasons), "Dexter "(US, 96 series).


Sagittarius quickly adapt to new conditions, possess an instant reaction and a wide range. They are not afraid to make difficult decisions, in difficult situations do not lose optimism and try to look at life with humor. In serial stories, the Straights will be interested in plots in which heroes under any circumstances will be winners.

Stars Recommend: "Wen" (USA, Season 1), "End of *** World" (United Kingdom, 16 episions), "Shameless" (USA, 10 seasons), "Orange - Hit of the Season" (USA, 7 seasons) , "Girls" (USA, 62 series), "Sex in the Big City" (USA, 6 seasons).

From the


Calemaria Capricorns always achieve their goals and go to them with confident and deliberate steps. Their persistence, grip, the power of will and hardworking can be envied. Their motto: "Never give up and not to lower your hands." Stories about the same strong and assertive people will fall to taste Capricorn.

Stars recommend: "Agent Carter" (USA, 18 episodes), "Hannibal" (USA, 39 episodes), "Strela" (USA, 8 seasons), "stay alive" (USA, 121 series), "Mentalist" ( USA, 7 seasons), "Walking Dead" (USA, 10 seasons).


The perseverance and stubbornness of Aquarius cause admiration. They are the most special zodiac sign, looking for ways to save all mankind. Their ideas sometimes seem fantastic. Not always, Aquarius can reveal to people. Their life seems to be a mystery. But if they trust a person, they can open to him. Series, complete intrigues, inexpensive and secrets, were removed specifically for representatives of this sign of the zodiac.

Stars Recommend: "And no one left" (USA, 1945), Sherlock (United Kingdom, 13 episodes), "Ghosts at home on a hill" (USA, 10 episodes), "terrible fairy tales" (USA, 2015), "American History of crimes "(USA, 19 episodes)," How to avoid punishment for killing "(USA, 6 seasons).


Fish are charming, romantic and sentimental. These are kind, responsive and friendly people. They relate sensitively to those who love, and always come to the rescue. Fish is fantastically developed intuition, and the sense of justice is above all.

If the hero in the series acts according to the moral principles and tries to make the world of kind and better, he will become one of his favorite fish.

Stars Recommend: "Major Story" (USA, 36 Series), Jessica Jones (USA, 39 Series), "Strank" (United Kingdom-USA, 5 seasons), "Amazing Mrs. Meisel" (USA, 26 episodes), " American horror story "(USA, 2nd and 3rd seasons).

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