"He was brought to her group": the Solders called Roman Dava and Buzova "Fun"


Former member of the "House 2" and the showman Rustam Solntov commented on the recent loud romance of Olga Buzova and Raper David Manukyan. By his opinion, blogger shared on the air Youtube show "Alena, Damn!".

Solders noticed that he never believed in the sincerity of the relationship of the famous couple.

"This is all some funny, what is the romance?! I do not completely mind so that people somehow professionally developed each other. It is clear that he was brought to her by her group, which works with her. This is not a contract, I think it was somehow stipulated, "the former participant of" House 2 "believes.

According to Showman, in mid-2019, when Buzova began to meet with Manukyan, it was in the "disassembled" condition. And precisely because of this, the celebrity and agreed to the fictitious relationship.

"She started this period, which I call a distressed position," sure the Solders.

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However, after parting the complexity in the life of Buzova, they did not go anywhere. A former member of the "House 2" is confident that the celebrity is in the "big misfortune" and is experiencing an internal struggle.

Recall Olga Buzova and David Manukyan began to meet in mid-2019. A couple were repeatedly accused of insincerity of relationships, believing that they only pretend to be found. After a year and a half, the couple got married during their holidays in the Maldives, but after returning to Russia broke up. The news was shared by Buzova herself, publishing an entry on his page in Instagram and accusing Manukyan in the inappropriate behavior and allegedly handclay.

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