These four signs of the zodiac are not ashamed to eat from someone else's plate


Astrologers say that the degree of squeaming is determined by the zodiac accessory. Find out who from the signs not at all arrive in everyday life!


Despite the fact that the order and purity of the shoulders try to treat carefully, there are some actions on their part, which, to put it mildly, surprise. Tales of the Neous, and they do not shock hair found in a plate with a borsch. Think, disaster!

Tales will calmly reinstately and to the fact that someone will try to encroach on their cutlets and take advantage of his fork or spoon. However, such household volost applies only to households and loved ones.


Scales are not too limited on domestic and sanitary rules. Of course, it does not mean that they eat hands, grab food with other people's plates and dust and dirt do not notice. Just for weights is more important than peaceful comfort than daily guidance order. It will not happen anything catastrophic for them if the households will take advantage of their personal things and dishes. But deception and betrayal will become a real blow for them.

These four signs of the zodiac are not ashamed to eat from someone else's plate 64172_1


Star statistics show that among doctors, criminologists and pathologists most of the scorpions. Now it becomes clear why this sign does not suffer from household squeamishness. All that is associated with life, for scorpions secondary.

They can live among the mess and take care of the need. Scorpions really can confuse their plate and someone else, without even noticing it.


Sagittals care more new sensations and travel planning. An alien plate, which turned out to be neither embarrassing them. From any situation, Sagittarius is trying to get out with humor. They will not smear the nose, finding the inconsistency of the generally accepted rules. Sagittarius are completely loble. In life, they travelers are far from home and economic worries. Representatives of this sign of the zodiac are different than others, arrange priorities and do not adhere to household cliches.

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