Wife Klim Shipenko responded to "exposing" his treason with Agata Minky


Recently, rumors were leaked to the network that the actress Agatu Mutzing and the director Klim Shipenko is associated with no friendly or partnership relations. In particular, a video was published on which the stars flirting with each other: a man, similar to Shiepenko, concerns a fighter below the back, and only laughs in response. Also in January, the theater allegedly visited theater, and in general, according to rumors, Agatu and Klima are often often seen in the company of each other.

As it turned out, the correspondents of the "Komsomolskaya Pravda" edition tried to clarify the situation in Motition. It is worth saying that PR-Director of the actress earlier denied rumors about her novel with a married man. Agatha also decided to call journalists and do not answer at all. However, they managed to contact his wife Shipenko - director and actress Sonya Karpunin.

For information that her husband meets with Agata, Sonya responded as follows: "Yes, you! And it seemed to me that yesterday's news. How interesting! Yes, the "yellow" press does not sleep ... I did not see the video. I stand in the store, I try to pay attention, and everyone is waiting for me ... Sorry, I can not say anything else. "

As for the Klima Shipenko itself, he denies his connection with Agata Minky, calling all the information about them, published in various media, invention.

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