Justin Bieber explained why not uses a mobile phone


Over the past few years, Justin Bieber has become interested in spirituality and mental health issues and learned to establish personal boundaries. In an interview, he noted that he had no phone with himself, and for communication with his team uses iPad.

"I learned to put the borders, I no longer feel that someone should something. It helps me more decisively say "no". I know that in the soul I want to help people, but I can't do everything for everyone, "Justin told.

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He noted that "when on the clock in six pm, he turns into Justin-husband." Bieber also said that he got up at eight in the morning, so it was going to sleep early.

The singer talked about his "past mistakes", noting that he matured and overestimated many things. Justin says that "so often reached great success," which has already understood that this does not affect his happiness. "Once I sought success, high indicators, but inside I was empty. All my relationship was painful, but I had all this success, there were money. It did not fit me, "the singer shared. Then Bieber, he said, appealed to God and began working on his mental health.

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"I just changed priorities. I did not want to become another young musician who broke. There was a time when I tied my identity with a career success. But now I want to use music only for inspiration, "said the artist. He also noted that he would thank God and asks him about forgiveness. But first of all, Justin is trying to forgive and take himself. "Sooner or later I want to say:" Look, I have experience in my shoulders that I am not proud of. But I looked in the mirror and decided that I would change. And you can also, "the singer shared.

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