Replacing the floor Ellen Page condemned the ban of hormonal therapy for adolescents


Elliot Page, which has recently recently been Ellen Page, condemned the prohibition of hormonal therapy for minors transgender. The actor spoke after it became known that in Alabama, they want to introduce a new law, which proposes to initiate criminal proceedings against doctors recommending minor teenagers-transgender hormonal therapy, sexual ripening blockers or floor shift operations.

"Proposal to criminalize transgender children is deadly, we must fight against this draft law. From whether we will stop this initiative, the life of trans-children will depend. Tell the Alabama authorities that these children need to be protected, "Page wrote in Twitter.

The bill suggested that Republican Schi Shecnutt. He is confident that juvenile "is still not enough of the mind to take vital solutions to this level."

Transgender actress Laverna Cox also opposed this bill, calling it "absolutely inhuman".

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Recall Ellen Page declared himself a Transgender in December last year. The actress has changed the name on Elliot in his social networks and asked for the use of the pronoun "he / they."

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