Member of the creative team "Batman" promises a "phenomenal" film with Robert Pattinson


"Batman" Matt Rivza will present a new look at the famous superhero performed by Robert Pattinson, showing it more young and inexperienced in comparison with the character, which in recent DC films played Ben Affleck. It is curious that the tape was not one director - actually there was and the second film crew, which removed the scenes in the tandem with the main team. He led the Bradley Parker, who in one of the recent interviews spoke about his impressions about the coming ribbon.

"I completed the shooting of this film. I led the second division in Chicago. It was a real explosion! I love to work both over large-scale films and above small. All of them are funny, but I always liked working with Matt Rivz, and this is another project as "Loki", which will be incredible. These are phenomenal projects, "Parker emotionally noticed.

By the way, the director refers to the series Marvel "Loki": he really headed the visual effects of the show. And it is not surprising that he mentioned the completion of the filming of "Batman", because rumors about it appeared on the net back in February. So even the temporary suspension of production due to diseases of Pattinson did not greatly detained the work.

The premiere of "Batman" is scheduled for March 3, 2022.

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