Nicole Richie on the show Ellen Degensheres


Initially, they talked about children. Nicole told that Harlow is very similar to her outwardly, but completely different in nature; She is delicate, careful and thus think about something to do. SPERROU, on the contrary, looks like her husband Joel, but in character - a poured Nicole - the same wild and crazy. She admitted that he had to follow all the time, and the bruises were a permanent business. She also told about how they raise sparerou: when he falls, Nicole wants to ride to him and calm down, and Joel at that moment prohibits her to do it and says Speroou himself so that he himself got up.

After she told about the paparazzi and that he does not want to interfere with people to earn money, but she is a mother, and she must protect their children.

Nicole also reported that her daughter Harlow on December 12th birthday and that she wants to be a princess on this day.

At the end she told a little about his second book. She is about a girl who is rich enough and lives in New York. Her Father is suddenly arrested for fraud, and she decides to leave everything and start a new life in New Orleans. She is very talented, she has a wonderful voice, but parents made her do not do what she would like. The events that occurred in her the dream becomes a singer and she decides to embody her.

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