Pavel Priluchny denied rumors about what lives with Miroslav Karpovich


After the actor Pavel Silly divorced with actress Agata Minky, many were sure that he began to live with the star of "father's daughters" Miroslav Karpovich. In particular, last year the stars saw during their joint recreation in Crimea. Also, some insiders told various media that Miroslav lives in Paul's mansion. He, in turn, preferred not to comment on the connection with the artist. However, recently incense told the publication "Russian Gazeta", who lives in fact.

The correspondent asked the artist about whether he was afraid of something. Answering, incense admitted that she was afraid of loneliness. True, soon on the clarifying issue of the journalist, the actor noticed that he now lives with her mother. Thus, he denied the community speculation about his close relations with Karpovich.

Recall, the ex-wife gave birth to Paul two children: Timothy's son and Miu's daughter. The artist spends a lot of time with his heirs, trying to take an active part in their upbringing. For example, he admitted that he even took Timofeya to shoot the film "Nestyatayev", where he played the main role - the pilot Mikhail Devyatayev. By the way, the project premiere on the screens of Russian cinemas was scheduled for April 29, 2021.

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