"What kind of girl in a plaid shirt?": The network estimated the youth style of Larisa Guzeyeva.


61-year-old TV presenter surprised everyone, appearing in youth attire. To enter the light, the star chose two courageous images - a denim jacket with a print and a free flannel shirt in a bright large cell. "Soon the new show" Titstok Talent "! And I am glad to inform what the jury has entered the jury. The show of this format was not yet anywhere in the world! Soon you will see everything, "the star of the film" Cruel Romance "announced. She reported that the new teleproject would be launched on the TV channel "Friday", and with it to evaluate young ticotters will be the famous singer Dima Bilan.

Fans could not pass by the silt of the stars. "What a beautiful! How the youth image goes! "," What a girl in a plaid shirt? "," Cool and my beloved! The best "," Always dress so much, you are a young and very beautiful woman! " Fallovier wrote admired. Recall, Larisa Guseyev is a permanent leading show "Let's get married!" On the first channel. The age of the target audience of this program is significantly older than the potential viewers of the new show on the "Friday" channel. However, to be in the form and in the topic of new trends will help her young daughter Lelja Bukharov. The younger heiress actress this year will be 21 years old.

Users noted that the youth stuff OVERSIZE and beautifully laid hair significantly lost the age of beloved actress. Social NetworkTok recently develops rapidly and gaining more and more subscribers. The main users of the platform are young people under the age of 25. Popular bloggers, such as Dany Milochin, use social network as a means for promotion and earnings, receiving huge amounts on the rollers.

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