"It was a sign": the engagement rupture helped Demi Lovato take his orientation


28-year-old Demi Lovato became the heroine of the new release of the magazine Glamour. In an interview, the edition of the singer frankly told about his orientation and the process of accepting themselves.

According to Demi, she began to realize themselves differently after breaking the engagement with Max Erich.

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"The older I become, the more I understand that I am actually Quir. Last year I was engaged to a man. And when we broke up, I understood: it was a sign. Previously, I thought I would spend my life with someone. And now I do not think, and this is a huge relief. Now I can live with his truth, "said Lovato.

The singer says that he loves himself too brightly to build relations with a cisGenther man. "Somehow I twisted with the girl and thought: I like it more. I realized that it was better, it is more correct for me. With some guys, especially when it came to intimate proximity, I had an inner feeling: no, I don't want it. This is not related to their personality. I just realized that I like to be friends more with them than to build relationships. I do not want a relationship with a person of the opposite sex, "Shared Lovato.

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Demi also told that finally began to listen to her intuition. "I have shuffled out for a long time, even when she" waved "to me with a red flag. In this I can blame only myself. Once I thought: how can I start trusting people again? And decided: expensive, just start trusting yourself. If I immediately trusted myself, I would not be in such a situation. Now I listen myself. This does not mean that the boundaries rose around me. I just put the ears and widerly revealed my eyes, "noted Lovato.

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