"For 20 years," the "Brigade" star Pavel Mikov is tired of comparisons with a bee


Pavel Mikov said that he has other interesting roles, in addition to the series "Brigade". The fact is that the Russian actor and the musician simply tired of the fact that it still continues to be called a bee. And this is despite the fact that since the release of the criminal series has passed without a small 20 years.

Many Russian spectators of Mikov remember exactly the role of bee. However, to remember the actor who is now involved in the project "Girls with Makarov", does not like. He also does not like both when it is called a bee. "Until now, I write letters:" Bee, Bee. " And for 20 years has passed! I'm not even that Mikes, which was then. Only the name and some memories remained from him, "the actor stated frankly in an interview with Womanhit.

At the same time, Pavel Miken does not hide that in those days it struck her hero - he wore long hair and even a raincoat. But now the "Brigade" star believes that he behaved so at that time in inexperience.

And Miken added that the role of the bee is far from the most successful work in the cinema. According to the film actor, he has much more interesting roles. For example, in "cadets" or "treason".

From the last works in Movie Maikova can be noted in the historic drama "Tobol" (2019), films "Sherlock in Russia" (2020) and "Palma" (will be released on the screens this year).

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