Prince William denied the accusations of Rasism: "We are not such a family"


After entering the light of the scandalous interview with the Dukes of Sasseki, in which Megan Plant accused the royal family in Hidden Rasism, representatives of the Buckingham Palace were long silent. Prince Harry's wife said that even before the birth of the baby in the sidelines, they discussed how dark-sized he would be born. A little later, the leading interview with Oprah Winsfrey made a statement in which it clarified that these conversations were not from the face of Queen or her spouse, Prince Edinburgh.

Finally, the reaction of the Queen of Elizabeth II was followed. She concisely reported that Harry, Megan and Archi will forever remain their favorite family members, but questions about racism family will be solved in private. A little later, Duke and Duchess Cambridges were given by the Duke and Duchess with the press. They first published and visited one of the schools in the eastern part of London. The reason for the visit was the fact that British schoolchildren returned from distance learning and again sat at the desks in real time. The royal couple decided to personally chat with students and teachers and question them about problems.

At the end of the meeting, answering questions from journalists, Prince William noted: "We are absolutely definitely not a racist family. I have not yet spoken from Harry, but I will definitely do it. " Recall, earlier, in his interview, Prince Harry said that his father and elder brother "are trapped", hinting for family traditions and palace etiquette, and he himself is very glad that he managed to break out of it.

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