"He is a rather terrible man": the ex-girlfriend, the Armor of Hammer revealed the reasons for the gap


The 23-year-old designer Page Laurens continues to "subside" the armor of the Hammer. In a conversation with the Vanity Fair, the former girl actor told that he felt unsafe in relations with him. "He began to put the rules and say that I can do and I can't. He said that in my bed no longer be anyone except him. I was emotionally dependent on him. And I felt that I was in danger, "Page shared. According to her, she broke up with a correspondence army, because "you never know what to expect from him. He is a rather terrible man. "

In response to the accusations of Page, lawyer Armor, Andrew Brettle, said: "Relations of Mr. Hammer with his former partners were in mutual agreement. Everything was discussed in advance and coordinated. All these obscene stories in social networks are created to harm Mr. Hammer, they are not true. "

Vanity Fair leads the words of another girl who began to meet with the army in the summer of 2000 - Courtney Vuchekovich. She said that thanks to the actor felt herself "the only girl in the world." But as for intimate relations with the army, Courtney says that he once suggested her "BDSM-Scenario", and she "felt uncomfortable." However, Courtney decided to agree, as "as a result, I regretted." A few months later, they broke up with Hammer, and Vuchekovich, according to her, "went for treatment" due to the obtained psychological injury.

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