"I can perform all my hits": Savicheva denies that Fadeev selected songs from her


Singer Julia Savicheva published a post in which he decided to recall everything once again to everyone that has the opportunity to perform all his hits. The fact is that the star worked for a long time with the famous producer - Max Fadeev. After they stopped working with each other, the network has information that the former mentor in the literal sense "selected" the performer has all her hits. However, according to Yulia, it is not.

In particular, the singer noticed that many people still do not know that she can sing absolutely any songs from her repertoire. Julia said that he had repeatedly gave an interview about this, but, contrary to this, the opinion of some prohibitions is still preserved.

"My dear, at your concerts I can perform all my hits. There are no prohibitions! Maybe someone will explain to me why many people think otherwise? " - turned to Folloverm performer.

Those, in turn, hurried to celebrate in the comments. "That's good. Personally, I never thought. It is always nice to see and hear your songs "," other artists their former producers prohibit the execution of old songs. So they thought so about you, "" This is because people are inattentively watching news, "the actors' followers explained the situation.

Recall, after the departure from Fadeeva, Julia began to develop his musical career independently. Her last Today, the album called CLV came out in February 2020.

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