"There is a consumption, like a" Cruzka "- 20 liters per 100 km": the suits caught a buzzment in alcoholism


Former member of the reality show "Dom-2" and blogger Rustam Solntsev spoke about alcohol dependence on TV presenter and singer Olga Buzova. Shocking details Celebrity shared on Youtube-show "Alena, damn!"

So, according to Solntsev, because of the large volumes, alcohol has long influenced the TV presenter and had his destructive effect.

"I think she dips, gently said. I think that there is a consumption already like a "Kruzka" - 20 liters per 100 kilometers. I see this altered consciousness, "says former participant" House-2 ".

Also during the conversation, the blogger noted that rumors about the destructive preferences of Buzova have been going for a long time. For example, Dana Borisov, the leading transmission of the Army Store, a few years ago told about excessive love of TV host for alcohol, but she did not believe the sun and considered that Borisov was mistaken.

"Now I see it with my own eyes. And I understand that no one can help her, "said Shawman.

At the end of the conversation, he noted that those friends whom Olga Buzova shows in their social networks and who come to her for parties and birthdays, really do not need it. Solnts are confident that these relationship can hardly be called friendship.

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