Susan Sarandon is ready to meet with men, and with women: "I don't care"


Recently, 74-year-old Susan Sarandon became the Guest of the subcaster Divorced Not Dead. In the new episode, the actress talked with leading to personal topics. For example, she called a mandatory "feature", which should be at her second half. "This person must be vaccinated from COVID-19," said Sarandon. She also clarified that the floor was not important for her when it comes to relationships.

"I don't care, it will be a man or a woman. I am also open to all ages and leather colors. For me, these are all the details. But what is important to me is that a person must be an adventurer. And love your business. It may be a teacher, a writer, it can be a successful or unsuccessful person. It is important that he knew who he is. And they did not scare people who approach me on the street and say: "Oh God, I adore you," Susan shared.

The actress for three adult children - Eva Amurry from the Italian director Franco Amurry and Tim and Jack Robbins from the musician and actor Miles Robbins. Therefore, Susan says, it is also important for her that the new partner does not want to start a family.

And although Sarandon, she said, is open to new relationships, since 2015, after parting with Jonathan Briklin, she likes to be alone. "I am quite open to new relationships. But I feel good and one. An ordinary person is unlikely to want to divide my home first aid kit with me. Therefore, it can only be someone extraordinary, "the actress summed up.

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