"Who will we blame?": Syabitova said that women after 35 do not want to marry


Swach program "Let's get married!" Rosa Syabitova revealed some of his secrets. For example, she told why women over 35 years old are reluctant to marry. Telavach wrote about this in the post, which published on his page in Instagram.

Syabitova reminded that often on the program "Let's get married!" The brides from 35 years come. The heroine of the TV project declare themselves as successful and financially prosperous ladies, and some of them even without children. However, potential grooms are not hurry to make such women a sentence. Telesvach explained such a behavior of men primarily by their generic memory. "In Russia, if the girl after 20 years did not marry, then she should have defects and something in it is not so. Such women were called "centuries" and "emptyweights," explained Xiabitov. There were centuries, but in the mentality of many Russian men this rule was left, the TV presenter stated.

Recall, the 59-year-old Rosa Syabitova is the co-host and switch television program "Let's get married!" Since 2008. Also since 2016, it leads on the first channel of the talk show "About Love". And earlier, Teediva led the program "I am looking for love" and "familiarity with parents." In addition, Xiabitova is the creator and owner of a dating agency.

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