Prince Harry was inherited from Princess Diana 13 million dollars


After the scandalous interview with Opro Winfrey, in which Prince Harry touched the topic of inheritance, analysts calculated how much money was left by Princess Diana to his younger son. According to the publication of the Page Six, the initial amount was equal to $ 8.9 million, however, thanks to investments inheritance in recent years, up to 13 million dollars increased. "I have money that my mother left me. Without this amount, we would not have decided on this step, "so Prince Harry spoke about the decision to move to the United States after refusing the royal titles and privileges. "It seems that she foresaw all what happened and was with us throughout this time," the prince frank himself.

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Harry also noted that it was originally not going to associate itself with multimillion contracts with Netflix and Spotify. However, the security, rental housing and the familiar lifestyle of the once of the royal parks were so expensive that the couple began to look for ways to make money.

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According to the publication of the Page Six, Prince Harry and Megan Okegle could safely save on rental housing over the past year. It is reported that at first a couple lived in a mansion, which he lent an unnamed buddy, and then, at the beginning of the pandemic, they moved to Los Angeles, to one of the houses of Tyler Perry. The couple managed to buy a house in Santa Barbara, who cost them $ 14.6 million.

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