After the loud divorce of Christina Ricci will play a heroine who escaped from the husband-absurr


Actress Christina Ricci, who took his debut as a child in the "Family of Addams", quite recently submitted to a divorce with the operator James Heendegen and accused him of domestic violence. It became known that the actress will play in a new film called "Monstrous", in which her character will run away with a child from a rapist's husband.

Film Studio Film Mode Entertainment and Screen Media acquired joint rights to show the film. In the center of the plot there will be a family in which Laura is constantly being attacked by the spouse. She takes an attempt to fly with a 7-year-old son in a distant settlement. After the escape of the heroine discovers that they are with her son a terrible and inexplicable. In addition to Christina Ricci, Collin Camp will play in the film, Santino Barnard, Don Baldaramos and others.

A loud gap with his spouse became difficult for Ricci: she filed an application for full guard over the 6-year-old Son from Heeregor Freddie. According to the ban, a former husband does not have the right to approach Christine, Freddie and their dog. According to the actress, she was repeatedly subjected to physical violence from the former spouse right in front of her son, which began during her pregnancy. After another beatings, during self-insulation, Ricci informed fans, which submits for divorce.

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