Scandalous journalist Pierce Morgan quit after complaints Megan Marc


The network continues a rapid discussion of the scandalous interview, which was given by the American TV presenter of Operation Winfri Duke Sasseki. We will remind, some time ago, Prince Harry and Megan Marcle frankly told about how they lived in the royal palace after the wedding.

39-year-old Megan Plant admitted that she was very difficult because the British press constantly criticized her. The wife of Prince Harry even came to mind about suicide. "I just didn't want to live. This thought was clear and real. She did not leave me at all and, at the same time, very frightened, "the plane admitted to the conversation.

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The public was divided into two camps: some began to sympathize with Duchess, others considered her story in fiction. Among the second was the popular English TV presenter Pier Morgan. In his program, "Good Morning, Britain," he unforeedly responded to the interviews of famous spouses, in particular, Morgan found that Megan Oars came up with a story about the thought of suicide. "To whom did you go? What did you say? Sorry, but I do not believe in a single word Megan Marcha, "the air has been expressed.

Such a statement did not like the Duchess Sussekaya. She filed a complaint on a TV presenter marked that his words could affect people who are thinking about suicide.

Not only Megan Markle did not appreciate the statement of the British TV presenter: his colleague also complained about Morgan's pier. As a result, the star of Ether left the TV channel, but did not change his point of view. "When we talked about it yesterday, I said that I did not believe that Megan Okel says, and I still have serious concerns about the truthfulness of a lot from what she said," wrote Morgan later in his personal blog.

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