Hilaria Baldwin compared himself with a cow because of the breastfeeding of two children


Recently, Hilaria Baldwin told how she is given to breastfeeding two babies immediately. The wife Aleka Baldina compared himself with a cow, as well as, taking this opportunity, he advertised her favorite gas.

She signed a photo on which he holds a jar with a drink: "The cow is tired and wants to drink. Although you also know that, I remind you: breastfeeding two children - this is not a joke. I absorb all the fluids that fall to me in hand. And this is my beloved. "

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Recall that in late February it became known that the sixth child appeared in the Balduin family. With the help of surrogate motherhood, the couple became the parents of the daughter, which was called Luchi. And for six months before, Hilaria gave birth to Son Eduardo.

Recently, Hilaria published a post in which he explained why they and Alek decided to have a sixth child, especially a girl. "Our children really wanted her sister. She had to be born in 2019, but then in the fourth month I had a miscarriage. There was no day when we did not regret this loss. I told the children that their sister would come, just then it was not time. And so these two wonderful souls came to us - Ed and Lucia. We thank angels every day for the fact that they gave us a daughter, "Hilaria wrote.

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In addition to Lucia and Edu, Alec and Hilaria, they bring up 7-year-old Carmen, 5-year-old Raphael, 4-year-old Leonardo and 2-year-old Romeo. Aleka also has a 25-year-old daughter Ayrend from marriage with Kim Basinger.

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