The creators of Harry Potter ordered Katie Ljung deny racist attacks


Actress Katie Ljung told, as I encountered racism after filming in Harry Potter. She played the role of student Hogwarts Zhou Chang, in which Harry was in love for some time. In the Rowling Book, this heroine is described as a very beautiful girl with an attractive Asian appearance.

The creators of Harry Potter ordered Katie Ljung deny racist attacks 64428_1

In the Chippy Girl Podkaster Katie noted that he was very trying to qualitatively embody the image of Zhou, but faced with a huge amount of hatred from the audience. At the same time, someone from the leadership asked her to pretend, as if nothing like this was happening.

Katie said that she had seen communities and sites where people were outraged by the choice of Luung for the role of Zhou Chang. "I read all these comments, there were so much racism ... somewhere there was a special button to express disagreement with the choice of actors. There was a separate Hatership site about me. It was terrible. But I was told: "We have not seen these sites that you speak. And you, if you ask you, also say that I have not seen anything. " But I saw these sites. However, in response, I just nodded, they say, okay, I will say that everything is fine. I was simply not given to raise this topic, "the actress shared.

She did not specify who gave such an installation - publicists or representatives of the studio Warner Bros. However, the latter, according to Entertainment Weekly, refused to comment on Katie's words.

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