Jennifer Lopez is still planning a wedding, despite rumors about the cheating of the groom


Actress and singer Jennifer Lopez and her groom, baseball player Alex Rodriguez, are planning a wedding, despite rumors about the treasures of an athlete. This is a source close to the pair, reported ET edition.

According to Insider, Lopez is not worried about rumors, as he completely trusts his beloved. "Jennifer does not bother, and she does not care about rumors about Alex. She thinks this is an extraneous noise, and trusts Alex. She loves him so much, "says the interlocutor of the publication.

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Recall, some time ago there was information that Alex Rodriguez changes Lopez with Madison Lejra, a 30-year-old star Realistic show "Southern Charm". According to the press, celebrities talked a lot that he gave rise to a lot of rumors about their relationship.

However, despite this, Jennifer and Alex, according to Insider, happy together. "He is so in love with her, and they are so fun together. It's amazing how well they get. She trusts him as anyone else, and is now in one of the best periods in his career and personal life, "the source believes.

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Also, the source ET noted that the couple recently reunited in the Dominican Republic after a small separation, which was associated with the work.

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