Star of "Cute Deceivers" Schi Mitchell admitted that it was afraid to be pregnant again


The new episode of the Katie's CRIB podcast was devoted to the history of motherhood actress Schi Mitchell. The 33-year-old star of the series "Pretty Lesoms" frankly told about the fight against depression and whether she plans to have children.

As it turned out, for the Maternity, Schi faced the hardest predic depression. It turned out to be a surprise, because she psychologically prepared for the fact that the problems would overtake it after the appearance of the baby. Mitchell did not understand why she is upset, although it is believed that a pregnant woman should be happy.

The situation was also complicated by the fact that Schi had hid their position on the set. In the past, she had an unsuccessful pregnancy ending with miscarriage, and since then the actress promised himself to keep joyful news in secret until the latter. She managed to leave pregnancy in secret to 6 months. But colleagues and film crew workers all this time, without suspecting the real reason for the completeness of Shai, condemned her for the appearance and advised to visit the gym. As a result, the artist was spent most of the surveys alone.

Now she wants to give the daughter of the Atlas of Brother or sister, but it is afraid to be pregnant again and encounter inner phobias.

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