Ann Hathaway in the magazine Gotham


What did VAC attracting Maggie from the film "Love and other medicines"?

"It was she. In addition, of course, the charm of Jake Gillanhol and the director Edward Zwick worked. It was a difficult role. She has a true character, given that she has Parkinson's disease. She knows that her life will change and that she will lose control over her body. This is a girl who is so convincing, so excretory. I fell in love with the idea of ​​playing it. "

Have you had chemistry with jack jillenhol?

"If you do not have chemistry with Jake Jillenhol, then you are probably not like that, because he is the most charismatic man. All you need to do is just listen to him. And you are already fascinated. "

Is there a role that you have not had, but would you like to get it?

"I would really like all the roles of ibsen. Many - Shakespeare. Most of the roles I would like to play in the theater. As for my career, I would like to somehow kill aliens. I would like to drive a spacecraft or may be a spy. I like to punish small ass. "

Who do you consider as a teacher?

"Laura Linny is one of my favorite actresses. Merill Strip and Sigurnie Weaver. Kate Blanchett never ceases to amaze. Marion Cotiyar became just a discovery for me. I am delighted with what this woman does. Have you seen "Start"? I mean all her talent and emotions .. she is just awesome. I am happy that there are so many women who can learn. "

With whom from the directors would you like to work?

"I would like to work with Mike Nichols. I would have honed the skill of gymnastics if I needed T-shirt to Nicholsu. I would like to climb the mountain. I would be able. "

And who of men do you like?

"I am a big fan of James Franco. I think it will be very interesting to work with him. I also think that Zack Galifianakis is just incredible talent. "

What would you like to change in yourself?

"I would like to learn how to float. Sometimes I am very restless. "

What most people do not know about you?

"I love riding horses, it's so great! I can't endure acute food, I have a weak stomach. Oh, I'm still a terrible driver! Good terrible! Like a danger on the road, if I appear on it. "

Are there any addiction for which you are ashamed?

"I watch teenage comedies. Those where in the main roles - teenage boys. When I really exhausted, I love to look like something like "Superperts." I also madly love interior magazines. They are like porn for me. "

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