Adam Sandler approved the idea to remove the sequel "Lucky Gilmor"


Actor Adam Sandler and his colleague by Comedy "Lucky Gilmor" Christopher McDonald said not against to play in the continuation of the famous film. Artists told about this on the air of the recent show of Dan Patrick.

So, to the question of Patrick, whether the opportunity to release the second part of the "lucky" was discussed, Sandler admitted that this question was not raised in Studios, however, as he knows, the continuation has long been on the Internet. And he, as the leading leadership, would be happy to participate in the shooting.

"Believe me, the idea of ​​the second part would be such a stunning. Yes. Yes, you can give green light ... "- said the actor.

Supported his colleague and Christopher McDonald. According to him, the continuation would be awesome, and he would gladly returned to his role.

"Everyone on the Internet shouted about it, as Adam said. I just have to say it would be a complete bomb, "said McDonald.

The conversation about the continuation was raised not by chance: February 16 "Lucky Gilmor" celebrated his 25th birthday. The film, which came to the world rolling in 1996, tells about Heppi Gilmore, a large hockey fool, forced to play golf, which he sincerely despises. Thanks to its ability to beat very strong blows, he quickly earns a reputation as a wonderful player and faces a professional coach who will have to teach Gilmor Golf and cope with his specific sense of humor.

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