Susan Sarandon explained why men prefers much younger than her


American Teediva Susan Sarandon, who met with men younger than himself, told Stellar Magazine magazine, why she prefers men to shame. "It's hard for me to find older men who could come to me. People often indicate me that my choices are young, "says the star. Taking part in an interview with Sam Neil, she joked that she needs such as he is "curious."

"I think that much easier to communicate with people who are really looking for something new, are interested, ask questions, and such can be found among people. No one knows everything in the world, and it always means search for new knowledge, "Sarandon is recognized. Curiosity and desire for knowledge - this is what attracts an actress in men younger.

During study in College, Susan Tomalin met Chris Sarandon. They got married on September 16, 1967. Sporting with him in 1979, she retained the name Sarandon. In 1987, the filming of the film "Darham Bull", Sarandon met the actor Tim Robbins, which began to meet. They have two sons, Jack Henry and Miles. Robbins, like Sarandon, received Catholic education and, as well as she, adheres to liberal political views. Sarandon and Robbins broke up in 2009. In 2010, Sarandon began to meet with Jonat Briklin, the son of an entrepreneur Malcolm Briklin, who was for 31 years younger than it, and together with him opened a network halls for ping pong Spin. In 2015, they diverged.

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