"I am ashamed for this nonsense": Milan's brother Tulipanova denied overdose sleeping bags


Recently, in Instagram Milans Tulipovoy appeared the news, according to which she accepted an increased dose of drugs and found himself in the hospital because of this. "For some reason told people that everything would cost, although she is in resuscitation. So in the near future we will not get in touch. This is on his conscience. Support Milan, "it was written in the post. It was also reported that Tulipovaya, allegedly lost consciousness from overdose, discovered her brother Vladislav.

The elder's edition called Vladislav to learn about the state of his sister. However, the young man rumors about the hospitalization of Milan denied. "I just have a shame for this nonsense. I do not participate in it. Yesterday I was at the bottom of birth at Lyuba Asspenskaya. I do not know what Milan did there. Everything is fine with her, "explains tulips. A little later, the publication of overdose was removed from the Milan account. As it turned out, the profile of the star in Instagram was hacked, and the attackers spread the fake news about its overdose.

27-year-old Milan Tulipova - the daughter of the late former head of the Scripture of St. Petersburg, and then a member of the Council of Federation Vadim Tulipov. Popularity came to the girl after marriage and loud divorce with football player Alexander Kerzhakov. The couple has a common son of Artemy, who, by the decision of the court after the divorce, remained to live with his mother.

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