"It's time to move on": Lena Miro predicted Ksenia Sobchak inevitable divorce


Lena Miro wondered who would be the next wife of Konstantin Bogomolov. And they assigned it to the thoughts on the separation of the director with his current spouse not only their own observations, but also revelations of the actress Darya Moroz.

She, as you know, was also married to the Bogomol and in one of the interviews, it was aimed in their union that her life was aimed at positioning her husband into the world in a certain way. Daria then had already held an actress, and he only became famous, so the spouse provided him with a wide range of communication and various projects.

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The second wife helped the ambitious director to conquer the half-mounted society of Moscow, where he very quickly settled, and "Thanks to Ksyushenka and Teathers Dali."

"I think now I am already married Sobchak and Bogomolov not long left. Everything that Kostik could squeeze from Ksyushai, he almost squeezed: it's time to move on, "says Miro.

And here he also himself gave an interview to someone, and the former friend of his wife Tine Kandelaki. Ksenia and so does not tolerate it for some time, and now the general producer of the TV channel "Match TV" can become a real rival for her, because she, according to a blogger, looked at Constantine with great interest.

"Marriage from Kandelaki - let a small, but step forward. As - in no way, Tina has official communication and will quite easily promote Bogomolov in the theatrical environment, "writes Lena Miro in his" LJ ".

She also remembered about Margarita Simonyan, on which, according to a blogger, Konstantin should pay attention, since she also has a TV channel and great connections in the world of art.

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