The second season of the series "Wanda / Vihn" is not included in Marvel Studios plans


For several weeks, Wanda / Vision show has been holding the audience in suspense, throwing one riddle after another. Now fans not only build a lot of assumptions and theories about what is happening, but also wonder what this may mean for the filmsened Marvel as a whole. Of course, they also interested, whether the series will receive a continuation, and this question has an answer to Kevin Faigi.

On the eve of the Studio, the head of the Association of Television Critics and said that Marvel Studios had no plans for the second season "Vandi / Vizhn", thereby confirming that the adventures of the Witch Aloie (Elizabeth Olsen) continues in the framework of Dr. Strange and Multivesened Madness . Nevertheless, the files were quite expected to leave the loophole, noting:

"I stayed in Marvel for too long to say unequivocal" no "about the second season" Vanda / Vizhn ". Lizzy Olsen will switch to the film "Dr. Strøndzh".

It also turned out that several coming shows were decided to extend in advance to the second season, and some of them will receive a continuation in full-length films.

"The present pleasure in the film marvel is to intertwine the plot of films and serials. Thus, everything will vary depending on the plot. Sometimes the continuation will mean the second season, sometimes - a full-length film, and then the series again. We have not yet spoken about it, but we already think about the second seasons for some of the upcoming shows, "the files shared.

While the nearest Premiere Marvel on Disney + remains "Falcon and Winter Soldiers". The project debuts on March 18.

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