Michael Douglas: Cancer brought me closer with his wife


Nevertheless, the actor admitted that after eight weeks of exhausting chemotherapy and irradiation, he thought about what could die: "Despite the relatively small chances, I still had the opportunity to die. But at the same time, I studied all the statistics and did not think about life or death. I thought about what I need to cure. So I did not dig in my soul to find any new reasons. The level of chemotherapy, the dose of irradiation, which they gave me, was the maximum. It's amazing that they almost kill a person to bring him back to life. "

Whether Michael Douglas got rid of cancer will finally be known in January. According to the actor, all this is due to its addiction to alcohol and nicotine.

Nevertheless, now it does not bother him and he is gaining energy, signing contracts for shooting in films and resting with your family in Disneyland.

By the way, how Douglas himself admits, his illness improved their relationship with the wife of Catherine Zeta Jones. After all, they have become much closer to each other: "Cancer showed me that such a family is actually. He showed me a lot of what I did not even suspect and did not think. "

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