"The goal of my work is to finish the taboo": Natalia Vodyanova became the UN ambassador


The other day, Natalia Vodyanova reported his fans of joyful news. It turns out that she officially became the Ambassador of the UN Good Will. "It is a great honor and, of course, huge responsibility. This appointment and my decision was preceded by 3 years together with agency work in countries such as Russia, Belarus, Turkey, Kenya, India, Switzerland, and others, "the model said.

She also clarified that he would deal with the issues of sexual and reproductive health issues. "The goal of my work is the same as before - to end the taboo associated with female health. Taba, who do not allow half of the population of the globe to fully develop and achieve their potential, "said Vodyanov in his microblog. She decided to ask who of her subscribers is ready to support her in these issues.

Fans with pleasure responded to such news from Vodyanova. "I'm with you", "they are lucky that they have you", "more than just with you!", "Bravo! You have done so much good work - and this is another important recognition of you and your very important projects, "the network users wrote.

Recall that Natalia Vodyanova is a famous world supermodel who began his career in Nizhny Novgorod, where he noted one of the scouts of Viva Model Management and immediately offered work in Paris. Future celebrity, of course, agreed. Now it is known worldwide. Also Vodyanova is a famous philanthropist and tries to help people with all sorts of ways.

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