Results of the year 2016 according to PopcornNews: the best series


Game of Thrones

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For 6 seasons in a row, the creators of the Games of the Thrones hold the high bar from the very beginning, but this year they deserve separate praise - as well as the fans of the series, season 6 became the first "independent" season, not based on the events of the books of George R. Martin . Care of "Independent Swimming" for the "Game of Thrones" went only for the benefit. The season broadcast in the first half of 2016 was still in suspense before the start ("fortune telling on the chamomile" about the fate of John Snow) and to the very end, pleased with the audience the next bloody slaughter in the best traditions of Game of Thrones, the epic battle in the final and returning favorite characters.

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The stars "Games of Thrones" will pay more than a million dollars per episode

The series "Game of Thrones" still appears spin-off

the walking Dead

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For the "Walking Dead" 2016, it turned out to be, as it turns out, uneven. Previous, season 6 ended in this spring the most excellent open finals of A la "John Snow" and the appearance of Brilliant Jeffrey Dina Morgan as a new major villain Nigan. The premiere of the 7th season also forced the audience to revere - the Scriptures of "Walky" ruthlessly crossed out at once two favorite fans of the series of characters. However, for some reason, the Season 7 began to "sign" and the other day at all set, for the first time in 4 years, an anti-record from the point of view of the number of spectators. However, we still hope that the Shootranner "Walking Deads" is correctly collapsed by the remaining heroes and next year, with the remaining episodes of the 7th season, please the audience with a qualitative continuation of the zombie apocalypse.

Season 7 "Walking Dead" installed an anti-record for the first time in 4 years

According to the "Walking Deadians" can take off the full-length film

The new series of the 7th season of the walking dead was called the worst in the history of the series

The Vampire Diaries

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In the next, 2017, the "Vampire Diaries" will no longer be able to fight for the title of the best series - until the end of the eighth and last season of the Vampire Telecomge remains a few series. As for the "walking dead", for the "diaries" 2016 issued uneven. The end of the 7th season disappointed the audience and installed the anti-record - the ratings reached an absolute minimum for all 7 years of the series. But the current season 8 started very tightly - largely due to the fact that the "diary" showrooms pleased the viewers by returning to the old kind "Dark" Damon in the performance of Yen Somaerhalder. Cambakes favorite heroes, charming villains and hints on the non-standard ending of the series - all this, in our opinion, allows the "Vampire Diaries" for the last time to compete for the title of the best series of the year.

The stars of the "Vampire Diaries" called the most shocking deaths in the series

It became known when the season 8 "Vampire Diaries" is over

Paul Wesley and Yen Somerhalder believe that the Salvatore brothers must die in the final of the Vampire Diaries


Results of the year 2016 according to PopcornNews: the best series 64646_4

"Supernatural" - almost the record holder not only in the number of episodes released, but also by the number of successful plot ideas. The series lasts on the air for 12 years, but does not reduce the bar and still keeps the audience, and the previous season 11, whose ending fell on the spring of 2016, and at all turned out to be one of the most interesting plots from the point of view. The current 12 season predecessor is also not inferior, although this time the shusrans of the "supernatural" and returned to the classical scheme of the first seasons with shorter stories. All this makes it hope that the "supernatural" will continue to please us with high-quality storming.

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Twilight hunters

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Twilight hunters turned out to be one of the most successful debuts of the tele-ester of this year. Filmed "based on" the popular series of Romanov Kassandra Claire "Deadly tools", the series is intended for a teenage / youth audience and mixes in one impressive vampire cocktail, monsters, villains and love with Trended today LGBT-tint. The fact that the series at least justified, but also surpassed the expectations of the creators, he says at least the fact that even before the end of the first season, the extension of "Twilight Hunters" for the second season was announced. It will have more episodes (20 instead of 13) and it starts on the air already very soon - January 2, 2017.

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